Sunday, October 31, 2010

daily scribe, 10-29-10

Today we started off with a do-now. In this do-now we found the absolute value of some numbers. After that we checked our homework. Than we learned four new interger rules. One was if you multiply two numbers of the same sign it is positives. The second is if you multiply two numbers with different signs it is a negitive. The third rule is if you divide two numbers that have the same sign than it is a positives. The last rule is if you divde two numbers that have different signs it is negitive. After we did some practice with these rules on our smartboard. Finaly we ended the day with some football word problems to help us with our addind and subtrating negitives.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Daily Scribe

Info learned in class
the difference between variables (m), variable expression (problem with variable in it), number expression (problem with only numbers in it)

can't use x for multiplication anymore. use a dot or star.

Evaluation Expression = do the math

Steps to find out variable expression
identify variables, example: 27y = 27(3)

evaluation expression

area of a triangle
B=base=5cm,  height=H=4cm


representing situations with integers
lose $7.00 = -7

8 steps forward = 8

easy way to do it:
___ ._________.__.__.__
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1  2    3   4

Greatest to least: -3, 2,3 and 4 

Absolute value 

Definition: a numbers distance from zero on the number line. 

examples: /-9\ = 9 spaces
/-6\ = 6

easy mistakes:
/9\ = -9 NOT the opposite

simple definition:

opposites have same absolute value

Definition: Numbers that are the same distance from zero on the number line, but in the opposites directions

-2 and 2
-13 and 13
-0.7 and 0.7

easy mistakes:
10 and -5
8 and 8

These are not examples of opposites.

Definition: The whole numbers and their opposites
whole numbers are 0,1,2, ..

6 , -7, 14, 0, -352

easy mistakes:
Miss-spelling the word interger

Other examples of easy mistakes: 1/2, infinity, pi, 0.75

Absolute Value, Opposites & Integers